Excerpts from 10 conversations that I have recently either been a part of or have overheard.
1. “so the 10 or less line is quicker?”
-in regards to a grocery line
2. “…you’re an artist, your tastes are refined”
3. “would you rather date someone with a head half the size of a normal one or twice the size?”
4. “…so 90’s…”
-in regards to photos of empty lots in an urban setting
5. “…let the audience fill in the blanks…”
-in regards to that anxiety-ridden moment when art leaves the studio and enters the public realm
6. “…pasta or beef?”
-on a recent flight
7. “…this country is based on individualism and the idea of not having to rely on anybody but yourself is still very much alive…”
-in regards to socialism and universal being 4 letter words in the U.S.
8. “…there is no good mexican food in NYC…”
-in regards to the most ridiculous/absolute conversation that constantly presents itself
9. “…i just learned that my new roommates entire country, that is 3 times the size of Texas, has about half the number of people than the 11211 zip code here!”
-in regards to Greenland. Not really debatable but that’s a nice combination of references
10. “…then maybe failure doesn’t exist?”
-in regards to learning from our mistakes