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online habit: bookmarks

two kinds of people in terms of using the function of “bookmark this page.” type one: claiming he remembers all daily-read domains (e.g.,,, so these pages aren’t in bookmarks. rather, “bookmark this page” is used literally. when he is doing some research, and when he comes across some interesting research, he bookmarks it for later review. the links in his bookmarks aren’t checked daily, and may never be checked again. type two: claiming being organized helps better surf the web. she only bookmarks pages that she assumes she will check back tomorrow. she uses “manage bookmarks” every week, deleting, renaming. comes the first in her “mail” folder under the “bookmarks” folder; is the second. is the first in “tech nerd.” she feels online surfing has been restricted, because other than the bookmarked pages, she doesn’t know anything else.

* * *

— outlook

  • theguyoverthere
  • donews
  • bloglines
  • 弦在烧
  • let me prh
  • 47大街工厂
  • the way i am
  • 世界就在我脚下
  • no
  • 西藏文化网
  • fanfusuzi
  • — tech nerd

  • flickr
  • mosh
  • bababian
  • douban
  • myspace
  • craigslist
  • — mail

  • yahoo
  • gmail
  • — forums

  • smth
  • liumeng
  • talk china
  • — reading

  • 中越战争备忘录
  • books sina
  • village voice
  • the onion
  • popmatters
  • — languages

    —— english

  • englishbaby!
  • npr
  • this american life
  • crazy for friends
  • ———— writing

  • prompts for blog entries
  • restaurant reviews
  • —— tibetan

  • fodian
  • —— chinese

  • 宋词赏析
  • —— nihongo

  • coscom
  • reading material
  • goo dictionary
  • reading tutor
  • nhk
  • —— others

  • mylanguageexchange
  • shanghaihua
  • — music

  • npr all songs considered
  • cd reviews
  • pandora
  • — movies

  • verycd
  • — projectsnow

  • lifeality login
  • mit opencourseware
  • mit writing
  • — temp

  • blogshares
  • allinhere
  • wikipedia
  • fingerboarding
  • recycle band
  • This entry was posted by haxi on Saturday, May 27th, 2006 at 9:42 pm and is filed under archive, everything, mapping. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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