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re: re:presentation

thoughts on the subject of clarity, or, in support of the seductive drones ///

If that longing could be drawn out, literally, it could have taken this form, what would have attempted a seduction in the most subtle and powerless way, or, would it be possible to ask you to stay. These are not questions so much as awkward statements, one would like the fluent strength of rationality, pretty scripts to address the subject, but so much said, so much would dull the edges of the discourse as much as anything. To abstain from that articulation may be a political statement, or even an uncertainty, but it should be possible to make exactly that wavering attempt, without course to addressing one’s audience as potential convert, without the determinacy of the commodified idea.

We have lost the ability to simply search openly, our lateral glides across hyperspace become hierarchies of large type and the diversities of ‘state life’ mistaken for richness. But please do not misunderstand (…) …this is not a call for a return to authenticity or something more primal than the now. As such would be merely another flight. But to embrace all that we have not resolved, as seeking beings—-because we have not caught up to our own embodiment, urbanity, presence, or forces of habit—-can, with relief, never be clear. If it were, would we have conquered our own existences, overly latent, and been made subjects of our own subjectivity? Is this crass, or is it a call to vitalism? Would the critics of Coleridge sneer and we be comfortingly dismissed back to the ‘little’ motions of everyday life? Ha! Seduction.

Perhaps, but it is an embedded one. Everyday, everyday, everyday. The question is in the answer is in the question.

This entry was posted by 丫 on Saturday, June 7th, 2008 at 7:44 pm and is filed under everything, time, writing. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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