“Hesitation avails itself through stops and starts, restarts, still more restarts. Hestitation is practiced through montage-reading-thinking-writing. The Event. Hestitation in evoking sublimity can, in turn, evoke terror, awe, and fear. Or as others say in a different vocabulary: Dislocation. JumpCut. Relocation. Jumpcut. Can evoke Distantiation. Estrangement. Resulting in feelings of stupidity. Before the other. The text or the jagged-scape or the distantiated film opens up a colossus of possibilities, or rather incompossibilities (i.e., a libidinal economy of coexistent worlds).” [from Victor Vitanza seminar, ‘Jean-Francois Lyotard: Hesitating Thought’]
please excuse the narcissistic thought, but today raised a hesitant hand in class, only to follow the discussion quickly too quickly, the ‘opportune moment’ missed, and the hand goes back down again and the thought seems futile again. he noticed afterwards, smiling gently about the need for a marketing manager, and once again all the multiplicity of these positivisms, the third order questions, seem equal and simultaneous to an utter nihilism, oh and… oh, and. is pure democracy the same as my paralysis? even if the river never flows the same stream twice, isn’t it still a river? and if we can meet all these flips of coins, these linkages of thoughts, you really won’t still tell me how? there is no means of doing, yes, it was just in the doing. he hates “to be”. The singular. Identification is time. How do you count? All these possibilities, are they are a doing, the precursor to doing, what are we doing. Still? Yes we’ve heard it before! And that’s great. A non-negative, you are here.
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