iwishicoulddescribeittoyoubetter. » BEST BEFORE mini general overall

the text and images below are posted from beijing, berlin, buenos aires, hong kong, los angeles, new york, sado island, shanghai, tokyo and zürich. there are a few of us, and this is the space in between.

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BEST BEFORE mini general overall

match box PICT0007.jpg PICT0010.jpg P9200053-2.jpg electric note book

In the sun, she holds it up, covering her face.

P9170112.jpg P9170109.jpg keys

He said he was Japanese or Egyptian, the baker of the bread: pu mp er nik el, sem o lina, on ion r y e, cinn a mon rai sin. He must know these words very well by now, but he stood behind the counter, calm, fairly silent.

P9170104.jpg P9170098.jpg P91700951.jpg P9170093.jpg P9170084.jpg P9170080.jpg drawing P9170075.jpg P9170072.jpg P9170070.jpgstress balls

A modern condominium, hardwood floors, tastefully furnished. The more carefully each item is placed, the less one would be able to say. It is an open house, and for two hours, the arrangement is made so that prospective owners will be able to imagine their own in its place. Everything is carefully arranged.

P9170071.jpg P9170068.jpg emetrol

A television stand doubles as medicine shelf.
milk carton P9170019.jpg P9280067.jpg P9280065.jpg
pills P9170005.jpg kraftwerk cd
40 ounces on an early Sunday afternoon, between a little half step, back step, leaning back while he shouts out over the internet cable, reflected from the sepia-tinted mirrors out onto the street. The reception of the Giants game on the television is not so good, but the music is better.


dryer P9190128.jpg P9190127.jpg P9190125.jpg lock1P9190111.jpg lock2P9190110.jpg glasses P9190103.jpg P9190099.jpg paper cutter P9190084.jpg P9190078.jpg P9190077.jpg wonder woman P9190082-1.jpg P9190064.jpg P9190077-1.jpg flower print bag P9190060-1.jpg dried apricot P9190058.jpg P9190052.jpg P9190015-1.jpg P9190018-11.jpg bright pas P9190042.jpg P9190034.jpg clock P9190052-1.jpg P9190047-1.jpg P9200057.jpg bracelet P9190042-1.jpg hookah P9190021-1.jpg black beans P9190020.jpg mayo P9190032.jpg P9190029.jpg herb grater P9200085.jpg P9200067-1.jpg tin P9200070.jpg P9200065.jpg dog toy P9200065-1.jpg P9200060.jpg elvis P9200053.jpg ID P9200045.jpg P9200043.jpg P9200041.jpg P9200039.jpg lip stick P9200045-1.jpg P9210001-2.jpg P9210006-2.jpg

miracle gro P9200038-1.jpg P9200030-1.jpg cat tail P9200037-2.jpg P9200025-2.jpg carpet bag P9200031.jpg P9200030.jpg P9200028.jpg vogue P9200026.jpg P9200023.jpg P9200020.jpg P9200017-2.jpg japanese slipper P9200011.jpg P9200015.jpg P9200011.jpg P9200007.jpg mini fan P9200012-1.jpg P9200008-2.jpg petz P9200013-1.jpg
lamp instruction P9210005.jpg advil P9210010.jpg fortune P9210012.jpg P9210020-1.jpgviolin string P9210014.jpg pine bits P9210018.jpg P9210021.jpg P9210069.jpg P9210070.jpg woman’s mega P9210019-2.jpg earring P9210042.jpgP9210037.jpg P9210045.jpg P9210048.jpg P9210051.jpg capsules P9210039-1.jpg sweater P9210047-1.jpg P9210052-1.jpg battery P9210056.jpg hair tie P9210065.jpg P9210058.jpg army pants P9210067-1.jpg P9210073-1.jpg P9210074-1.jpg narcissus bulb kit P9210075.jpg sunglasses P9210085.jpg
rice cakes


furry bag



P9220026.jpg P9220033.jpg P9220041.jpg

Barnes & Noble gift card


eye mask P9230030.jpg P9230027.jpg air ticket P9230022.jpg P9230019.jpg pocket towellette P9230018.jpg P9230016.jpg P9230015.jpg P9230009.jpg
sunglasses P9260079-1.jpg photo frame P9260077.jpg P9260074.jpg violin string P9260068-1.jpg P9260057-1.jpg P9260053-1.jpg pepto bismol P9260060.jpg P9260059.jpg cosmetics P9260051-1.jpg P9260049-1.jpg plant hook P9260048.jpg virgin cupon P9260042-2.jpg GRE practice book P9260034.jpg P9260035.jpg flash light P9260035-1.jpg P9280009.jpg baseball ticket P9260028.jpg P92600261.jpg plastic skull P9260034-2.jpg tea bag P9260025-1.jpg MNG tag P9260024.jpg P9260022.jpg flip book P9260016-1.jpg P9260012-1.jpg P9260022-1.jpg ink cartridge P9260018-2.jpg P9260014-2.jpg P9260011-2.jpg color selector P9260010.jpg P9260006.jpg green car P9260014.jpg children’s sunglasses P9260007-2.jpg P9260002-2.jpg CD case P9260004-1.jpg P9260003-1.jpg
hair cream P9280023-1.jpg fruit basket P9280076.jpg P9280025.jpg P9280022.jpg DVD 1 P9280075.jpg P9280072.jpg eddie P9280061-1.jpg P9280012-1.jpg P9280009-1.jpg lunch box P9280057-1.jpg P9280056-1.jpg ribbons P9280054.jpg P9280053.jpg pan P9280044-1.jpg

white paint


cassete tape P9280038-1.jpg P9280035-1.jpg candy paper P9280005.jpg P9280004.jpg