iwishicoulddescribeittoyoubetter. » when she said tell me about iwishicoulddescribeittoyoubetter.

the text and images below are posted from beijing, berlin, buenos aires, hong kong, los angeles, new york, sado island, shanghai, tokyo and zürich. there are a few of us, and this is the space in between.

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when she said tell me about iwishicoulddescribeittoyoubetter.

it was about this idea of trying to share information or a way of seeing, without always knowing the exact way to do it. this goes the same for medium, why we feel that ideas and point of view surpass working with any one particular medium, why working with others in various fields becomes the way to share something together, things that may be impossible to describe with one voice or one hand alone. the most significant aspect we realize between an artist and/or designer and his work, or even just between people working together, between two beings, is not the endpoints of these relationships, meaning not the individual and not the work itself either. Although it comes very often fluid and ambiguous, we find that the things that we do become foremost about process, trying to grasp the space in between a need, desire or emotion and a product, design or end result. Working is a way of trying to understand and communicate these understandings. I wish I could describe it to you better.

…it’s not so special, really, a place, now in the abstract form, but still a way for finding a home when this seems difficult in real time, a real place. because there are moments when you encounter another that you feel you can share something with, and although we may not always know how, there is still there, ever, a desire to create, to contribute something, however fleetingly. fighting with sentimentality, but trying to hold on to something. this website seemed like one way, but the medium is really not important. this and that, this to that. a hope to lay possibility out. iwishicoulddescribeittoyoubetter. this is some of what we do. [click]