the text and images below are posted from beijing, berlin, buenos aires, hong kong, los angeles, new york, sado island, shanghai, tokyo and zürich. there are a few of us, and this is the space in between.

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wedged in something that has to do with the world

Science went away for some time, but left rusty Technic behind. There was a small key with a black plastic coated head. We unlocked her and rode with her rhythms, though something kept nerves piqued at the same time as familiarity made everything gummy inside. The remembering of being here before, when things were more regular, and this was before you knew Science, when things were simply intuitive. But now your muscles were taut and that thing on the back kept falling off and you didn’t know if it was your doing or not or if we would survive until Science came back.

In the end you left before she did, and your tight outer edges and chewy fillings didn’t know what to do with the small key except, on the way out, wedge it quickly between something that has to do with the world or the universe. Technic was left outside to nature.

It should have been one week, but it was months, months, months. Where on the flattened earth does Science go? You worried for a moment until you forgot. And by the time she came back looking for worlds in universes, you couldn’t quite remember the game either, only that you had been looking downwards, so it must have been about waist height. She played several rounds over a few more weeks, and almost even lost it for a second.

the best review i’ll ever receive
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This entry was posted by 丫 on Monday, October 15th, 2018 at 10:13 am and is filed under 中文, beijing, everything, found, gesture, inside, moving, stuff. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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