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before lunch, february 7, five months, twenty minutes


today’s lesson (best with headphones): wake up, turn off the alarm clock, turn over in bed, get up, get out of bed, turn on the heater, go to the toilet, flush the toilet, wash your hands, dry your hands, open the window, wake up my husband, turn on the tv, make the bed, brush my teeth, rinse out my mouth, gargle, shave, wash my face, dry my face, take off my pyjamas, put on my shirt, dress my child, comb my hair, boil water, go get the newspaper, read the newspaper, make my lunch, grind the coffee beans, make coffee, get the milk out of the fridge, drink the milk, put on some lotion, put on makeup, put on my tie, see my husband off, feed the dog, water the plants, lock the doors, turn off the light, put on my shoes, close the door, take out the trash, cross at the crosswalk, wait for the light to change, cross against the light, show my train pass at the ticket wicket, climb up the stairs in the station, wait for the train, get on the train, by a newspaper at the newstand, doze off on the train, hang on the strap, bump into someone, get pushed by someone, step on someone’s foot, change trains, run onto the train, go out of the ticket wicket, get on the elevator, push the elevator button, punch my time card, take my seat, light a cigarette, smoke, put out my cigarette, look for some documents, go through the documents, make a phone call, answer a phone call, take a note, hang up the phone, give someone a message, input text into the word processor, work with the calculator, hand in the documents, organize my material, make copies, send a fax, attend a meeting, speak at the meeting, take notes at the meeting, open my drawer, open a letter, write a letter and send it, meet a client, exchange business cards, go out for lunch, pay the bill, receive the change, get a receipt, write up an invoice, clear the table, wash the dishes, dry the dishes, do laundry, put the laundry in the dryer, iron the clothes, vacuum the floor, tidy up the room, mop the floor, clean the yard, mow the lawn, watch a tv drama, take a nap, look for the discount store in the flyer, go shopping, gossip with the next-door neighbour, go pick up the kids, meet my friend at a café, stand and read in the bookstore, wait in line at the cashier, rent a video, catch a taxi, walk home, unlock the door, turn on the lights, take off my tie, hang my coat, take off my makeup, take a shower, take a bath, shampoo my hair, put conditioner on my hair, wash myself, dry myself, dry my hair, open a beer, play with the kids, tell the kids a fairytale, put the kids to bed, set the alarm clock for 7 o’clock, get into bed, go fishing by boat, go for a picnic, go cycling, go for a drive, get gas, fill up the tank, check the route on the map, look out of the window, take a rest, get lost, jump in the lake, read a book under a tree, take pictures of the kids, prepare a barbecue, carve a pumpkin, light candles, give treats to the kids, wear a witch costume, watch a horror film, have a nightmare.

This entry was posted by 丫 on Wednesday, February 8th, 2006 at 3:29 am and is filed under everything, kansai, mapping, sky, sound, time. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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