the text and images below are posted from beijing, berlin, buenos aires, hong kong, los angeles, new york, sado island, shanghai, tokyo and zürich. there are a few of us, and this is the space in between.

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The most difficult part of living in that castle was utilizing all the space.  I was alone at the time and passing through those immense empty rooms just shed light on how solitary this life could be if I allowed it.  Not to mention my phobia of immense empty spaces.  So of course I invited all my friends to live with me.  That still left a few rooms empty.  So each empty room was designated as studios, mapping rooms, a greenhouse, a giant laser building workshop, etc.

The location was great as well.  We had a great view looking west over the East River, an empty lot to the south and a junk yard to the north.  The east side of the building faced the street where we could easily load and unload from the building.  I wasn’t about to call it a utopia but it seemed like a nice little niche that we had carved out.

I thought that the “trick door” on the south side of the building would be great to keep just in case I decided to turn evil.  It would be something that would really get me going by telling someone that the next room over was absolutely amazing . . . go ahead, just walk through that door.  In the end, I knew it would only be used to take in the views of the south.

The castle was in a bit of disrepair but I’d figure that we could start on that the next day as it was getting dark and we had no food inside.  This meant I would have to leave the grounds and venture back into town . . .

Posted by joe | reply »

what i did on my summer vacation, pt. 1


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in passing, black-capped chickadee

Michael writes to H.F:  “We enjoy the space between being ‘in the know’ and simply being attentive to one’s social environment where the unexpected may occur, setting up an interaction that will provide a meaningful communication, ‘loading the decks’.”

[photos by 戴璞 Dai Pu]

It ends with a face in rain, or two, that washed away one after the other like passing faces in a party.

The next day, he sends me a message: “One day I will explain to you why things are so complicated.”

And then it becomes difficult to respond, silence an only recourse, uncovering to plot thickening. The loneliness amidst joyful crowds, like the stripping away of an impersonator who says, “I don’t know. I was born that way.”

People ask questions all the time to which we must answer, “I don’t know.” I can’t remember anymore which way it was when i was born, but somehow I always return to a letter read as a child, from an old woman. I read her as if I were her already, so confounded by the inexplicability of my thoughts, to the possibility of their being expressed. It seems now, in future, utterly impossible to answer any question asked of me. I find less and less the words to place the complexities of my feeling.

Perhaps now back outside of each of those moments, I could answer each of you in turn, eloquently and honestly. Like an old woman’s remembrance of the sound of a black-capped chickadee, a doing nothing kind of being or simply, so simply, the fullness of…

Posted by 丫 | reply »

a comment to 什么是文化交流? 或者什么是性交?

Cultural exchange – Interesting examination – Hm, difficult to define. I think everybody (as the videoclip proves) has their own definition. I added parts from the interview I made with the Chinese women. 文化交流? I was thinking of the word 交流 and it reminded me of the question where I asked to define “性交”. And in addition, I thought Ouyang’s definition of cultural exchange was also very special…and fits to this question.


interview1: 你是指两个女生么?我ok的。如果抛开孕育下一代这个想法,这是人的基本的生理需求,很正常。







m: 那对女的来说差不多,那自慰是做爱吗?


interview1: 因为每个人都对自己的身体很好奇,我觉得很正常。但是可能自慰这个词在我脑海中出现的比较晚,所以我不是很了解,但是当它出现的时候我还是可以接受的。可能如果再出现的早一点,小学初中的话,我就不能够理解。


interview2:是名词解释吗?就是很自然的一种行为吧。然后,那是生活的一部分。譬如说,如果你把兴趣爱好和工作放在一起,然后你的感情生活和性生活又是一块东西。如果说定义的话,就是生活的一部分而已,没觉得有太多别的东西… 其实我也不是经常会有这样的体力活动,但是我们都会希望会有一个稳定的东西,因为那样⋯⋯就像我之前跟你说过的,我觉得两样东西是不可以分开的。(性)是一个你希望它能够稳定而有故事的东西。如果非要解释的话,我会觉得是一种必需品,不一定在每个阶段都会出现,但是它会是必需品。



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catching the noodle in the bamboo river

photo by C.M

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