the text and images below are posted from beijing, berlin, buenos aires, hong kong, los angeles, new york, sado island, shanghai, tokyo and zürich. there are a few of us, and this is the space in between.

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please meet here and now

An Appointment
Alexanderplatz, Tuesday, 27 January 2009, 18.00

ling_alax001[photo by 高灵 Gao Ling]

This is your latest minute notice to our meeting and appointment. Please come to Alexanderplatz station, the platform of the U8 line, between Le Crobag bakery and the Presse + Buch shoppe. Apologies for having been so late all the time lately, does 18.00 sound like a weak quantification of all the things i haven’t caught up to yet?

Please meet me, even if we don’t know one other. No one knows each other here, so let’s just try to remember that fact of all that we know we don’t know, that feeling that you next to me may have noticed it, too.

Mostly we’re ignorant. But I wanted to meet you anyway, an appointment in and of itself as a time and place predetermined. A context embedded into itself, choking, documented. Itself, itself, itself.

And a broad, come with—-first-time everything…

An Appointment is part of the continuing PUBLIC research project by Elaine W. Ho and Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga. Organized as a daily series of experiments, interventions and discourses, PUBLIC aims to examine the potentiality of latency and open spaces made possible in the relations between individuals and publics. Other activities are posted here. Some are open invitations to all, others are unannounced insertions in different locations throughout Berlin. 22 January – 1 February 2009.

Posted by 丫 | more »

everything on sale this time of year

wearsale_466“Okay,” he said, “everything 90 degrees.” And we became temporary helmsmen, the act of organising one’s knowledge and one’s life to be a 2nd Captain job. Here, the sea is misty, the sea is cold, the sea is snowing, but we aim for 90 degrees, give or take a few, 90 degrees today or tomorrow relative. I missed the pounding on ice, her roommate bouncing before the ice turned sweaty; it’s dangerous but not scary. No, not scary at all, love, we just go, we just go, through broken ice or slippery snow, because the thing is the thing, and let us share this thing that is not ours to keep or own. Six shirts, everything on sale this time of year, let’s get rid of them all or let them go slowly.

Wear journal is now available in Berlin at do you read me?!, Motto and ProQM. In the post, on its way to Boekie Woekie in Amsterdam.

Posted by 丫 | more »

If in 08 I learnt to do a headstand, the possibilities for 09 are endless

happy oh(!) nine dear peopleme, a headstand, acteon, a beach a computer2nickels1chapstick

Posted by lucio | more »

sitting still in concentration, hindi-arabic, as the plane takes off


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二OO八 看不见 二OO九

wu_balconysurrounded by family and friends we enter the new year blind. four o’clock, moving rapidly south, smoke-like clouds traveling overseas, engulf the land, the beach abandoned. three hours early or four hours late, another hour early. fireworks and outdoor parties banned, a massacre, an other new year, a blanket, as if called for. “i remember in 1990, maneesha used to say it would be the end of the world soon.” we sleep, prepare for life, the new, and still miss it by two minutes …in blindness, 2009wu_boats

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two thousand and nine, we try more, we try better

we step out of the house [10] just before midnight, funny [9] noise as we run down the [8] stairs, wanting to be there [7] just in time for the [6] new year, many people on the [5] street, what time, what year [4] is it now in japan, in greece [3], in china, [2] the fireworks set off [1], here we go again, the champagne bottle [2] pops open, and the neighbour with [3] his daughter find it funny to throw the little fireworks [4] at us and laugh as we get scared, sigh, optimism [5] wears off easily and we retreat upstairs [6] again, one more sip of champagne [7], wishing for better neighbours in this [8] new year.. and.. and.. and.. everything.. [9] for all of you, faraway and close..


abstract and blurry but right here in front of you

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in opportunity and loss, a blank slate, fresh laundry, 新年快乐

news from madrid, the caption reads: “This woman put her lottery ticket in the washing machine. It was the winning lottery number.” in opportunity and loss, a blank slate, fresh laundry, happy new year.


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