the text and images below are posted from beijing, berlin, buenos aires, hong kong, los angeles, new york, sado island, shanghai, tokyo and zürich. there are a few of us, and this is the space in between.

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what makes my vacation vacation
Posted by lucio | reply »

もう一つの夏の俳句 | another summer haiku | 夏天的俳句诗



2006年日文俳句诗的变奏曲 by 高灵 Ling and 逗号 Comma。上海2008年7月

Posted by 丫 | reply »

les ondes silencieuses Posted by f | reply »

手势检查第二: 捋头发 | gesture study 2: hair-ing Posted by 丫 | reply »


gesture study 1: buttoning/unbuttoning (work in progress)

a project about the relationship between individual and object, in this case a button, the stories it may contain and the gestures associated with its use. in collaboration with hiroaki kanai.

Posted by f | reply »


small exercise, trying out the omni mics attached on a hanger, per chris watson‘s advice (thank you, chris!)

a few hundred meters, so many words, getting all the accents wrong, a mapping of sorts..

Posted by f | reply »

理变奏曲 variations on lǐ

filmed in new york city, autumn 2006. summer 2008 finally got around to… thank you sim-chan and aka-chan and D-chan!

Posted by 丫 | reply »