the text and images below are posted from beijing, berlin, buenos aires, hong kong, los angeles, new york, sado island, shanghai, tokyo and zürich. there are a few of us, and this is the space in between.

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dear shawn

somehow ended up in our mailbox a few months ago, addressee unknown, but when we tried to have it returned to sender, it made its way back into the mailbox. so took it to the desk where it has been sitting since, waiting for shawn, until she picked it up again from the pile of papers yesterday. if you are reading this, dear shawn, come by to pick it up.

Posted by f | reply »

11:36:38 | 没有,飞机要进入雷区了,我要关机了,等会再和你们聊。 No. The airplane is about to enter a thunder zone. I have to turn the machine off. I’ll chat with you again later.

5月13日地震抢救现场上午直播群里的一个记者在地震抢救现场给我们上午做的直播 QQ instant messenger relay from netizen 绮梦, meaning Pleasant Dream, in the accompaniment of the entourage of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on the morning of May 13:

10:07:29 | 现场简直不能看了 The scene is unbearable to watch

10:08:33 | 年过花甲的总理已经哭得不成样子了 The grey-haired premier is crying his eyes out

10:10:16 | 刚刚挖开的地方又塌方了 The location that was just excavated has just collapsed once more

10:11:24 | 这倒霉天气还在下雨,现在一线的军人已经被下达死命令,必须冒雨解救 It is still raining in this rotten weather. The frontline soldiers have been given a must-do order to make the rescue in the rain

10:11:30 | 我就在现场 I am at the scene

10:11:56 | 我现在是在都江堰市 I am presently in Dujiangyan city

10:13:24 | 交通已经瘫痪了,人员和物资很难运进去 Traffic has been paralyzed so that it is hard to get personnel and material in

10:13:47 | 汶川现在还不让我们去 Wenchuan won’t let us go there right now

10:15:21 | 汶川的交通完全封闭了,现场到底怎么样我不知道,不过早上总理指示军队不管有多大代价,必须进城 All traffic to Wenchuan has been stopped. I don’t know what it is like out there. But the Premier gave an directive to the army to enter the city at any price

10:16:03 | 倒霉天气在下雨,飞机几次都不能降落,伞兵马上就要起飞了 It is still raining in this rotten weather. The airplanes are unable to land after several failed attempts. The paratroopers are about to take off

10:17:36 | 飞机在汶川空投物资了 The airplanes are dropping material into Wenchuan

10:20:06 | 被压在废墟下的300多学生现在很危险啊,刚才一次的营救又失败了,现在总理在现场组织再次营救。 The more than 300 students trapped underneath the rubble are in great danger. The last rescue attempt failed again. The Premier is organizing another rescue right now

10:20:47 | 啊 总理摔到了, The Premier just tripped and fell down

10:21:35 | 照片我正在传给北京,不经过审核的是不允许发布的 I am transmitting the photo to Beijing. But it can’t be distributed until it has been approved

10:22:21 | 我和几个同行现在开了9台电脑,同时在传消息 I and several colleaglues are running nine computers to send information out

10:22:37 | 这个QQ在关键时候传的真慢 This QQ thing is really slow in the most critical moments

10:23:39 | 突击队又上了 The special forces have moved in again

10:25:04 | 如果你现在看见老爷子的样子,你马上就会哭的 If you can see Grandpa Wen now, you would cry immediately

10:26:40 | 老爷子的手臂受伤出血了,他把要给他包扎的医务人员推开了 Grandpa’s arm is bleeding. He just shoved aside the medical aide who wants to give him bandage

10:27:09 | 好消息,发现一名学生了 Good news, a student has been found

10:28:00 | 总理跑到塌方点了,在帮忙呢 The Premier has gone over to the collapse point to help

10:28:13 | 向峨乡中学 Xiangexiang Middle School

10:28:33 | 拖出来了,医生在抢救 The student has been pulled out and the doctors are providing treatment

10:28:56 | 部队上来的人还不是很多 Not a lot of army soldiers have arrived

10:29:07 | 交通太困难 Transportation is too hard

10:29:42 | 现在还不一定,这个看样子看活着,吊瓶氧气都挂上了 It is still uncertain but this one appears to be alive. They are using IV drips and oxygen

10:31:06 | 啊,又塌了 Oh, another collapse

10:31:28 | 突击队一个人被埋进去了 A member of the special forces has been buried

10:32:40 | 等等,我到前面看看 Wait, let me move up and take a look

10:36:24 | 我回来了,抢救出来了 I am back. He has been rescued.

10:37:16 | 最新消息,彭州被困的10万群众危险!!! Latest news: the 100,000 trapped in Pengzhou are in danger!!!

10:38:49 | 由于大雨的影响,工程兵几次架桥失败,附近已经出现泥石流迹象,电话直接是叫通总理的,情况很危险!!! Due to the heavy rains, the engineers have failed several times to erect a new bridge. There are signs of mudslides in the surrounding area. The telephone call was put through directly to the Premier. The situation is very dangerous!!!

10:39:19 | 由于桥梁倒塌,彭州市10万群众被堵在山中,救灾人员和物资无法运入。已经出现泥石流迹象 Due to a collapsed bridge, the 100,000 people of Pengzhou are trapped up in the mountain. The rescue personnel and material cannot enter. There are signs of mudslides.

10:41:11 | 总理电话里大喊,我不管你们怎么样,我只要这10万群众脱险,这是命令。他把电话摔了 The Premier is screaming into the telephone: “I don’t care what you have to do. I want those 100,000 people out of danger. That is an order.” Then he slammed the phone down

10:41:33 | 头一次看见老爷子这么厉害 This is the first time that I have seen the old man react so strongly

10:41:54 | 汶川现在还没通知去,估计情况不是很好 Wenchuan has not notified us to go there yet. The situation is probably not very good

10:42:16 | 我现在在通讯帐篷里 I am in the communications tent

10:43:54 | 汶川最新消息,雨开始小了,空投物资已经扔下去了,空降兵已经在外围机场登机了 The latest news from Wenchuan is that the rain has lessened and the material are being air-dropped. The paratroopers are boarding the planes at the outlying airport

10:45:19 | 现在所有的国外记者都在关注号称中国最精锐的特种部队首次公开亮相 All the overseas reporters are paying attention to the first public appearance of China’s best elite troops

10:46:50 | 总理现在和登机部队领导说话 The Premier said, “I have only one thing to say. The people have been feeding you, so you see what you can do.”

11:11:00 | 总理说,我就一句话,是人民在养你们,你们自己看着办。 Hi, I am right now in a military helicopter. I am nervous because this is the first time that I have been in such an airplane

11:12:51 | 我现在在直升机上,估计一个小时后就到什肪了 I am in the helicopter. I estimate that I will arrive at Shitang in one hour’s time

11:34:40 | 最新消息,汶川的映秀、漩口、卧龙三镇通讯信号很弱,至今也无法联系。估计三镇有将近两万多人被困,余震不断,大雨连绵,情况非常严峻,由于能见度太差,无法判断准确情况。总参命令,当空降部队到达汶川上空时,如果条件不允许,就不惜代价强行伞降! Latest news, the signals from Yingxiu, Xuankou and Wolong towns are very weak, and no communication has been made so far. It is estimated that almost 20,000 people are trapped in those three towns. The aftershocks are continuing. The situation is very grim. Since visibility is too poor, it is difficult to assess the situation. The Command Headquarters has issued the order to the paratroopers that even if the conditions do not permit, they will parachute down no matter what the price is!

11:36:38 | 没有,飞机要进入雷区了,我要关机了,等会再和你们聊。 No. The airplane is about to enter a thunder zone. I have to turn the machine off. I’ll chat with you again later.

13:44:33 | 我来了,让各位着急了 Here I come. Sorry to leave you waiting

13:45:12 | 我现在是在什邡化工厂,这里的情况比预想的要好 I am at the Shitang Chemical Factory. The situation is better than anticipated

13:45:42 | 抢救工作正在顺利有序的展开 The rescue work is going on in an orderly fashion

13:46:49 | 汶川还没消息,空降部队已经快抵达了 No news from Wenchuan. The paratroopers are about to arrive

13:47:20 | 总理中午到德阳了,听说那里情况不是很好 The Premier arrived in Deyang at noon. I heard that the situation there is not very good

13:50:56 | 都江堰方面的最新消息,中午这两个小时,已经抢救出60多名孩子 The latest news from Dujiangyan. More than 60 children have been rescued during the two hours since noon

13:51:25 | 照片不经过审查是不允许随便发布的,这是纪律 Photos that have not been approved are not to be distributed. Those are the disciplinary rules

13:53:58 | 因为雨很大,泥石流和塌方事件越来越多,情况很糟糕 Due to the heavy rains, there are more and more incidents of mudslides and collapses. The situation is very bad

13:57:38 | 彭州的架桥部队进展顺利,有望在最短时间完工并救出被困的10万群众 The bridge engineer corps are doing well in Pengzhou. There is hope to rescue the trapped 100,000 people in the shortest time

13:59:41 | 成都军区特种侦察大队以徒步越野方式向汶川开进,希望能够成功并指引空降部队空投 The Chengdu Military District special scout corps is traversing the wilderness towards Wenchuan. It is hoped that they can succeed and direct the parachute drop.

[以上内容转载自钱烈宪博客,帖子的标题是“温受伤了”。据说是一位网名“绮梦”的新闻从业人员13号从现场发回的消息。我们无法证实其真实性,仅供大家参考。英文是为东南西北博客翻译的。The transcript above has been translated into English by Roland Soong of EastSouthNorthWest from the blog of Raymond Zhou, who reprinted the text from another blog posting titled “Wen injured”. Raymond titled his blog post “What moved me most”. Thank you to a for the initial relay.]

Posted by 丫 | more »

today. you and we. happy birthday miss asuka

a year passes – 誕生日お目出度う happy birthday, aka-chan 生日快乐 – the day whiles away… late afternoon, almost evening… more space these days for time, for thought for re-collecting, gathering, re-organizing, arranging, and you, ever-preparing for an unfinished moment, future, now in a box, the a-4 papers placed on top as they don’t fit, remembering in april to prepare for may, but when? after ten? after twenty? alas the archive! a year passes – 誕生日お目出度う happy birthday, aka-chan 生日快乐 – the day whiles away… a day with the memory of you and your birthday, perhaps not so different from the year before just that we didn’t record or we didn’t say. so today we learn new things, we capture video, eat a good crispy jian bing, we wear things long forgotten, we receive a phone call from japan, do grocery shopping, cycle to the village, we watch dance, we buy more food in the village, apples, bananas, pears, peanuts mixed with raisins, two filled pancakes and an egg pancake, and we search for a picture of a birthday cake we don’t find, only the not so good one where the candle wasn’t lit and more food is visible on the table, while searching we collect other images, we stop for a moment, we miss you – a year passes – 誕生日お目出度う happy birthday, aka-chan 生日快乐 – the day nears its end… miss asuka-chan, how was your day?

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a sofa, a table, a lamp, a bookshelf, a plant, a TV

a body, a living room, a vessel. “…maybe I would say all the kulturelle komponente that i have inherited…” oversea is a work-in-progress from simone, mon and e. [link to project blog] First showing at the Premio finale, May 2008 at Theatre Tuchlaube in Aarau, Switzerland. many thanks to all those who allowed us to interview you, Peter, Thom, Karin, Benji, Rahel, Nomsa, Flurin, Meret, Catja, Binh, Rudy, Lidy, Thi-Xiem and Chieu.

Posted by 丫 | reply »