the text and images below are posted from beijing, berlin, buenos aires, hong kong, los angeles, new york, sado island, shanghai, tokyo and zürich. there are a few of us, and this is the space in between.

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falling and falling (and hanging on)


Posted by f | reply »

update your status

2 min ago: O is not very optimistic at the moment. 2 hours ago: M is Phewwww…. 8 hours ago: A is at home. 14 hours ago: N is spending the weekend at the most beautiful capital of the world. 16 hours ago: A is designing a city. 19 hours ago: E is in Athens!!! on Thursday: M is exploring Murphy’s law for infants. on Thursday: J is o danny boy, the pipes the pipes are blowing. T is at a party. on Wednesday: V is pissed off that he has to work on Sunday.. Y is Londoning. S is going to Prague for a long weekend… M is happy waiting for s and l! I is drrrrrrrrrrrr. on Tuesday: Y is at home. A is depressed because she is getting sick. I is running out of time. on Monday: M is just tired. N is worried. E is staying up too late, as usual. last Sunday: K is trying not to punch her tv everytime the little man speaks. C is currently one track-minded. last Friday: A is at work. J is saving the world. Maybe. last Thursday: M is ready for take off. A is clueless once more….*sigh*… life! last Wednesday: A is looking forward to go to the swimming pool. last Tuesday: D is the luckiest man in the world! last Monday N is needing a curtain. I is tired…

Posted by f | reply »

2007.10.8 星期一 Monday 月曜日

have to sacrifice stuff for learning languages.

Posted by haxi | reply »

| 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | wee |

wee1.jpgwee2.jpgwee3.jpgwee4.jpgwee5.jpgwee6.jpg 《任天堂公司停止生产了老版本的机器,出了新的就有更严格的防止盗版的技术。暂时中国还没有黑客可以破解,不过相信很快就会有人破解。新版其实还是很便宜,大概只有1800RMB。但是因为不能玩盗版,所以在中国就等于没用的机器。老版的又停产了,现在越来越少,我们现在卖2200元。是最便宜的。你可以到外面去看别家他们都卖2400,或者你干脆等两个月,等新版的wii也被破解了。肯定能降到2000以下》

“If you had bought one a few months ago, you could have even gotten it for 1680 rmb. now they’ve come out with a newer model, but we haven’t yet broken the code on it so that it can play bootleg games. These are the last of the old wii, so the price has been going up. ours are 2200 rmb. you can look everywhere else if you want, they are charging 2400. we’re the cheapest you’ll find right now. if you really want it cheap you can wait a couple months, after the hackers have cracked the new machine; the price will go down again.”

Posted by 丫 | reply »

a few days later


Posted by f | more »

code inconnu – incomplete takes of several journeys


is truth the sum of what we see and hear?
can reality be represented?
to the observer, what makes the represented object real, credible, or more precisely, worthy of being believed?
what is the responsibility of the puppet master if the puppet perfectly imitates real life?
in the world of moving pictures are illusion and deception twins or merely closely related?
are the answers lies?
are the questions answers?
is the fragment the aesthetic response to the incomplete nature of our perception?
is editing the simulation of the whole?
is precision an aesthetic or a moral category?
can illusion replace description?
is that which is off camera more precise than that which is on?

michael haneke, from the commentary on the dvd, “an attempt to try out some of the solutions that one might put forward”.

Posted by f | more »

the news –<晚报,晚报


Posted by a | reply »