the text and images below are posted from beijing, berlin, buenos aires, hong kong, los angeles, new york, sado island, shanghai, tokyo and zürich. there are a few of us, and this is the space in between.

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forgetting “understanding the culture of collaboration”, propaganda, and a boy that looks a lot like Lucio

after and/or in collaboration with: participants of the ‘visionairs studio‘ (sng tong beng, minfu, konstantin, daniel, dirk, amit, helen, stefan, and sylvie), tino sehgal, michel houellebecq, malgven gerbes and david brandstätter (and their dancers Simone, Eva, Pedro, Ixchel and I-Fen) …and fotini

buero1.jpga series of solos later put together, a one week work-in-progress kind of workshop worked out a priori, a discussion.最后一天,他回答我,“没用啊…”buero4.jpg“and what do you think?” asks the situationist to the audience. a collective holding of breath before the girl that looks like litty speaks. “and what is it that you were expecting from our educational institutions?” he is held responsible. but, “WE were talking about” …something else. we welcome you to this situation. but now she must feel stupid.buero3.jpgregard the distinction. a series of solos that collide on occasion, when it’s a butterfly—–he holds his fingers to his lips—–‘amazing’, but otherwise, precisely unaware of the other.buero2.jpgand a series of presentations about the future, the aesthetics of work and collaboration go a long way. but she doesn’t want to talk about the fear of aging. not right now.buero5.jpgi was constantly in fear that it would be like this. two bodies curled in fear of the infinity of three dimensions turn, clockwise. they must have been over aware, acutely, but he did not like to use the word ‘execution’. a series of solos passing on occasion.lookslikelucio.jpglet’s work hard. it turns autumn again.

Posted by 丫 | reply »

remembering “understanding the culture of collaboration”, propaganda, and girly stuff

undersky.jpgundersky.jpghola s,undersky.jpg

i don’t know yet exactly what kind of resolution you will need for the final, but i am going to send you now at least a low-res version you can send easily to everyone else.undersky.jpg

also haven’t decided on a final layout, as i don’t know the size/proportions of printing, or if these editorial decisions will be purely left to you, because i also had the thought of just trimming the whole image down to only two pictures, blown up very big and very digitized.undersky.jpg

what do you think?undersky.jpg

hope you like it, and looking forward to hearing more from the others…undersky.jpgcheers, 丫

Posted by 丫 | reply »



Posted by haxi | more »

things we say we’ll do and never do | things we do and never speak of again


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