the text and images below are posted from beijing, berlin, buenos aires, hong kong, los angeles, new york, sado island, shanghai, tokyo and zürich. there are a few of us, and this is the space in between.

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中日文化体育交流年 | china-japan year of culture and sport exchange | 日中文化・スポーツ交流年


Posted by 丫 | reply »



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誕生日お目出度う happy birthday, aka-chan 生日快乐

aka_glove.jpgblank_icon.gifels_brief.jpgblank_icon.giftoday, on your birthday, i received a letter from els. inside is a photo of midas, one bent over with his head to the ground. he can see us upside down. we met before, when he was in his mother’s belly, and now he comes to me, future wonder, a photograph of a boy with berries and flowers on his trousers!blank_icon.gifthe boy of the future of my past, i wonder about how many times we had conversations about nostalgia. (好俗,我知道!)and you are thinking about life ahead, please tell about it! yesterday it was your birthday, and as you become older, keiko-san cuts my hair for the last time,and i become younger. we think it looks cute. good, i look younger! aka-chan feels about the same as yesterday! what did yesterday feel like? about like today! so we can stop thinking forward and stop thinking backwards, today is your birthday, and we try looking next to one another. he says it would be better on that side. maybe. i miss you.blank_icon.gifi love you, spring moto-car! 不会感冒!

Posted by 丫 | reply »

costumes for goodbye ceremonies

be with me.

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长城 | a great wall | 長城


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