the text and images below are posted from beijing, berlin, buenos aires, hong kong, los angeles, new york, sado island, shanghai, tokyo and zürich. there are a few of us, and this is the space in between.

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xiaoshukun.jpg. .xiaohuangdi.jpg. .xiaopei.jpg

Posted by 丫 | more »

toward a theory of the designwork

had spent the last two years doing a lot of documentation, interesting considering that i didn’t have a camera at all, and now i’ve just bought one and the ‘documents’ are still there, it feels like it would have to be more than that, to say something something something. aren’t you full?


Posted by 丫 | more »

lovely to be where the snow fellPosted by lucio | reply »

ginger tea, getting warmer, 感谢.


Posted by 丫 | more »

kyoo no sentence

since you guys all speak japanese, no?

Posted by haxi | more »

a conversation about kotatsu (all the winter long)


happy! happy!!what’s up! i like is pleasant when sleeping in the kotatsu, and the sweat thus you make the kotatsu by yourself? please take care about the burn. i teach the good you know must item of the is mikan. have you ate mikan? mikan is small japanese orange. don’t forget mikan.kotatsu_yushi_chan.jpgT>>kotatsu is “yabai” desu yo !i love it too much and decided not to use it in kyoto.kotatsu makes me warm and relaxed, but also sleepy and lazy….E>>hug me hug me it’s cold 冷死了!!!kotatsu_beijing.jpgA>>What in the hell happened? You can buy a queen size aerobed at Carrefour its about 120rmb. You already have the blankets.. you can ride out the rest of the winter at our place if you need to.If I come to your place tomorrow and you guys are blue and frozen to your floor.. I’m going to be pissed.M>>kotatsu disaster?It doesn’t work enough?We made new door for room2.We became strong to cold only some.kotatsu_weissraum_asuka_hiro.jpgR>>hug desukotatsu_ran_polly.jpgC>>kotatsu will not replace love hit, fortunately?M>>oh! What happened!?did kotatu break?hug hug for you from kyoto!!(>o<)K>>わーーーーー!What happened????Samui Samui desune-.You can come our house to sleep anytime you want !I miss my KotatsuY>>fire!mikan!!fire!!kotatsu_shinano_fuzi.jpgS>>waiting always lasts long.F>>stil hot ttt.

Posted by 丫 | reply »