the text and images below are posted from beijing, berlin, buenos aires, hong kong, los angeles, new york, sado island, shanghai, tokyo and zürich. there are a few of us, and this is the space in between.

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by all means + descriptions, no good or no better + nationals + dream-live + before november + original title


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a few hours before dad whispered: “i think i’ll come back on my own, without mum, one day and buy me one of those caps. and i like their shoes too.”


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no matter how bright, the crossing always occurs at night


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[i trust you [[don’t depend upon anybody]] ]


stupidly dozing off in the middle of an empty art gallery, stupidly musing in it, birch, belp, a half lacquered floor. yes and then getting up quickly to hide in the corner of the space where no one can see from outside, from outside it looks like an empty art gallery. better still. dozing off on half shiny, freshly shaven floor, feeling the curve of one’s own back against the hard flatness of floorboard, musing about the emptiness of it, wishing one were empty, as flat as the half shiny, freshly shaven floor. musing about another night, in half dark, ominous red lamp that always makes me think of amsterdam, when she said something about not knowing if it would be better to say or not say, what good could it do? yes, there is nothing to argue, what good could it do? we wish for honesty, feel the crap of nostalgia for when we used to be honest people, longing instead to sink into the flat emptiness of a half lacquered floor…bush911moment.jpgshe was surprised when i told her that i lied to people, couldn’t tell them how long i was staying [other sad conversation: “but you’re a nomad; that’s cool!], when knowing inside most certainly of leaving this place again. [sadness: “but surely you must be accustomed to american life…”] perhaps it’s the cut-off point that is painful, longing for some abstract thing that one is not sure even exists anymore. shame that everyone forgets about you, shame that you wanted everyone to remember you [sadness: “i love this place, these people, so i wouldn’t want you to come here because i know you would just take off after you found something better”] letting it be awkward and … because the suitcase is still there, because it feels bad, still roaming around in a subjective thought. afraid that you will always get tired, will always leave. it was not the intention! you wanted to love everyone and everything always! but it is just not possible!bestbefore_birthdaycandles.jpg so, uncertain one on the other side, everyone and everything the day after your birthday party, we collect the leftover pieces of popcorn and wipe up the wine leaking from the bottom of soggy paper cup. i’ll be back soon!mokka_small.jpg. .LESSON FROM MOTHER: 不可以depend on其他人。世界上就有自己。没那么容易。去外面就知道世界是这样。. .jan rothuizen draws and writes [by way of a and parallel to reena & medhavi, who miss india]: “i asked yang-jun if he is optimistic about the near future of china?optimistic? no, excited is a much better word to describe the present state of china.excitement involves optimism but it is also dizzines and infatuation; if you’re in love you don’t think too much about the future. yes, china is in love and that’s even better than optimism or excitement. so the question is will china still be in love in 2010?”acteon_upsidedown.jpgbelief systems. Settling down. Metabolism slowing down. Excitement as a form of caring. Quelling excitement as a longing for stability. A pet as a lesson in unconditional love.

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from yokohama to one among 2464439

yachtuclubbu.gifa slightly more guttural ‘h’ than expected, a sea of darkness, bumping your head on the bathroom wall in the middle of the night, “oh, a cockroach,” the wrong remark, twice, the bump, still there, right forehead, just below the hair line, unable to just holiday, and the slight unease of a continually heated toilet seat, never making the effort to inquire about actually turning it off, and the house, more than you ever imagined, the fifth roll, and dad making a clichéd remark about young people needing to bump their heads, you sit there on the pale lilac carpet leaning against the spotless white wall, legs bent to the side, right side, left side of body against wall, jeans a bit uncomfortably tight in this position, holding the telephone to your right ear, listening to your sister cry on the other end, “don’t tell mum i’m crying.” how do you do it, drawing, a straight line first, the bottom half, then a curvy upper part with a squirt hole, “a big fish”, dad recalls yesterday today, the time there and not here, so they get there early, i get there late, ice cream served in hot baked bread, sweet in the mouth, a bitter after-taste, what were those lights, you still wonder, floating candles on a quaint little stream, but then seen from the airplane window a thousand miles away, impossible, “don’t tell mum i’m crying.” (picture edited from one of LonelyBob on flickr, may change when own film is developed)

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