the text and images below are posted from beijing, berlin, buenos aires, hong kong, los angeles, new york, sado island, shanghai, tokyo and zürich. there are a few of us, and this is the space in between.

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i’m 23 and it’s 14 and i want those days back

bda bda bda i’m too familiar with the street layout of bda*. singapore garden, green town, shanghai salon, it’s a villa, dear villa, dear townhouse. i watch them grow, and get old. it was a life-changing thing i discovered this gem four years ago, years ago when there was the river, the fountain, the tennis court, the kites, the dogs, the roller skaters. it was the most beautiful afternoon with the sunset, the grass, the villas. i keep coming back searching for another moment. i keep bringing more people back and keep asking them are you disappointed. i’m now, and i’m obessed why a place designed to be developing would reach today when the word developing is too far to reach, when, i have to admit the dream to live here and drive one fifth of the fifth ring road everyday to work is actually not so alluring. *bda: beijing economic technological development area

Posted by haxi | reply »

korea lies between china and japan.

gwangju_1.jpgwaiting: after his parents picked up the miso;

gwangju_2.jpgshaved ice, korean mochi, pineapple, red bean, ice cream, green tea powdergwangju_3.jpgafter arrival: the soup of a tired octopus stew,gwangju_3half.jpgafter eaten, can be stir-fried with oil and white rice to make a tasty fried rice.gwangju_4.jpganticipation for breakfast of rice and kimchi results instead in 3 mochi sesame pastries, 2 mini croissants, 4 orange slices, grapes, carton of milk, peach yogurt.

gwangju_5.jpgeverything separately packaged and arranged in wicker basket.gwangju_6.jpgit will be possible to eat a different meal everyday for one month.gwangju_7.jpgkimchi, tsukemono, green chiles dipped with miso gochu jang, pa jun, seafood udon,gwangju_8.jpgbulgogi stew (soup of which becomes stock for flour-y udon), steamed kimchi dumplings, neng myon with soup, neng myon without soup.gwangju_9.jpgcounterweight: view from the 2nd rung from the bottom [herbal brew: smells like chinese medicine. chase shortly thereafter with soju.]gwangju_10.jpgwaste not words: she entered, ‘waste not, chinese artist’ [whole chicken stuffed with rice and stewed for many hours with ginseng and chinese herbs]

Posted by 丫 | reply »