the text and images below are posted from beijing, berlin, buenos aires, hong kong, los angeles, new york, sado island, shanghai, tokyo and zürich. there are a few of us, and this is the space in between.

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hear women talk in the kitchen

kitchenshe said she hates washing dishes, but loves cleaning the kitchen table. i said i’m not into cleaning a kitchen table, but enjoy washing dishes very much. she feels great pleasure when the kitchen table is smooth till flies would slide down. i feel great pleasure when all plates are made clean, using my bare hands. i won’t wear gloves, i want to touch them, wash them under the water tap, till they get brightly white, till they could be a mirror. do both of us have some psychological problems?

Posted by haxi | reply »

situational suberu, kamogawa

in awe of john cage, in awe of the river. they say it’s beautiful this time of year, the sakura, a regular-sized city. so far they’ve all said they live somewhat outside of the norm. it kept coming back to me, when she laughed last summer about the people lining the river, sitting evenly spaced apart. k-sensei said the same thing as we drove past yesterday, he said when he first came to kyoto he was shocked. but i couldn’t hear him so well in context. i tried to ask him to say it again. those people spaced evenly apart, you know, natural phenomenon? what do you mean? wakarimasen. it’s just that. oops, mou ichido suberu, that uncomfortable smile, for f so complicated, okashii, 可笑, but does that mean funny or just weird? weary, wary. you back out in your uncomfortableness and the firecrackers light, that feeling of justice followed by inefficacy. sigh. lying on back again. standing up to stretch back again. eyes closed, willing eyes closed. ¿lucio, donde estás? they say it’s lovely this time of year, kyoto, and the things we do not see or say. slip. suberu. 如果这个能看懂, あなたがこのメッセージを理解しているなら, se entiendes este mensaje, meet me here, right now, a regular-sized city. we walk in circles every day. jing du is for sale.

Posted by 丫 | reply »

communication design

fiets_yoshida.jpgon being left unnoticed or being noticed and left: parked bicycle on the corner, next to the telephone booth, in front of the hair dresser, across the street from the tobacco shop. climbed to the top of the mountain and had lunch with n-sensei. walked back down the mountain two and a half hours later and discovered that bicycle was left unlocked.

on not being noticed: to disappear in the conversation, as when trying the new word learned for the first time and it going unnoticed. because it was right! this is a joy. perennially the five year old, naiveté is chosen carefully. joy, joy…navy_ogichan.jpgon not noticing: he said he was in china in 1944. singapore, thailand. japanese navy. the sudden pang of fear i felt, wondered if he could see it through the soft milky blue of his old eyes. did not dare to ask what he was doing in china in 1944. singapore, thailand. japanese navy. he held out his hands to me. like dry, cracked landscapes. they were warmer than mine. fear and curiousity about what lies behind those milky eyes, fear and curiousity about what things my body has learned in such a short time. pangs.

Posted by 丫 | more »

show and tell

imagine this is what in front of you. what are you thinking about?

Posted by haxi | more »

right place to be

i like e’s room.when once i step into her room, i feel the flow of time changing.i feel how she is spending her own time, it’s very strong.a month ago, i asked her if i could take the pictures of her room. i wanted to memorise how the objects are placed.i think she takes enough time to look at the things around her and finds right way to deal with them.all objects in her room contain those time in their bodies.

Posted by anyway | more »

“good day, my name is billy”

“こんにちわ わたしは billyです”

Posted by haxi | more »

it’s darker, more contrast-y and some things get crossed out, but “it’s something we’re supposed to be blowing new life into”.

mixtape_xd.jpgWe’ve moved. But the offer may still be valid. Send your e-mail requests to o[at] or post to: People’s Republic of China 100010 Beijing, Dongcheng District, Douban Hutong, Bldg 3, Entrance 6, No 901. 中国100010北京东城区豆瓣胡同3楼6门901室. If you write in chinese it will come faster. Previous recipients include: bernadette & lorena, jasmina, anouchka & john and ron-li & vali. mr. white and jj, we haven’t forgotten you (or the 10 euros). we apologise for the delay, the scenery keeps changing.

Posted by secretary | more »

a week later / it is not a flip-book / he thought it was the moon

moon.jpgfor laughing was i advertise we should aloud this reading be must you things under intimate your ones loved your love meals eat never day all snack ? into fall you did ocean the of side which and art chinese to issue the devoted magazine art contemporary bilingual japanese only the arrived i when saw i artit of issue first the darla’s in be to going i’m … ja naauw photographer freelance a you are together portfolio your get you did together it keep to try i but where every they’re farty arty nothing

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