the text and images below are posted from beijing, berlin, buenos aires, hong kong, los angeles, new york, sado island, shanghai, tokyo and zürich. there are a few of us, and this is the space in between.

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while waiting for responses

…something broke and something could put it back together


brokenthe glass lid of a pot fell to the ground, but only the spacing broke

together 易合
“together” brand adhesive tape

Posted by 丫 | more »

chainletter dinner

We prepared some of your recipes

Maria Kley:

Lucio Castro:

이토비 Toby Lee:

山口明香 Asuka Yamaguchi:

Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga:

何京蕴 Anouchka van Driel & Jasmina van Driel:

Please click “more” below to see the full recipes.

Posted by secretary | more »


オランダ留学時代に出会い、現地で一緒に暮らしたこともある友人、宮沢さおりさんが、昨年から家族と一緒に佐渡島に住んでいます。その彼女がベルギー人のパートナー、アルノ ムールマンと共にacci-cocciというスペースを1月16日にオープンしました。

もともと身体表現を専門とする彼女と、空間や映像を扱うアーティストである彼は、ブリュッセル→倉敷→佐渡島と移動しながら、様々なコラボレーションを 行ってきました。acci-cocciは、2人の実験の場であると同時に、あっちこっちを繋げて発信する面白い場所になりそうです。

できれば、2010年中に「かっぽう着展 in 佐渡」を叶えたいと思います。


– cross-posted from hibi_tan | 2010-01-19 00:12

Posted by anyway | reply »



先週の木曜日、星ヶ丘洋裁学校で秋のフェスタの特別授業として開催させていただいたワークショップは5人の方に参加していただきました。今回はミシンの設 備のないギャラリーでの開催ということもあり、当初みなさんにはエプロンの部分だけを手縫いで作っていただく予定だったのですが、参加されていた方の希望 もあり、かっぽう着作りの一通りを一緒に進めて行く内容に変更しました。そのため、作業量のかなり多い内容になりましたが、時間も大幅に延長させていただ き、なんとか5人5様のかっぽう着の出来あがりがイメージできるところまで作り、仕上げは自宅でというかたちで持ち帰っていただきました。

一 度に詰め込んでたくさんのことをしたので、参加者の方はちょっと消化不良…!?だったのでは、と心配していますが、一通り手を動かして仕上げれば、個々の 作業への理解も後から付いてくると思います。また実際着てみることでも、身体の動きと衣服の構造の関係というのも経験できます。ぜひ、また2着目、3着目 に挑戦していただき、自分に合った着やすいかっぽう着を発見していただければと思います。


そ れにしても、星ヶ丘洋裁学校、ほとんど丸一日の時間を過ごさせていただきましたが、ほんとうに静かな時間のながれる、すてきな場所でした。ワークショップ が、うまく進められるかどうかとても心配でしたが、敷地内に入ると、前から知っていた場所のように心が落ち着き、その気持ちをまん中に据えて、行うことが できました。ありがとうございました。

Posted by anyway | more »

a little of switzerland or something in Vietnam


I met my grandfather on my father’s side, who turns 96 this year, for the third time. In 1996, I went ‘back’ to Vietnam for the first time to attend my grandmother’s funeral. My mother’s parents passed away when she was still little. Simone and me visited ‘Gong’ (grandfather in Teo Chew, our Chinese Dialect from Shantou, 汕头 in Guangdong) in Ho-Chi Minh City for 5 days. I consider myself as an ‘Overseas Chinese’, because Chinese Culture/Tradition was passed on to us. However ‘Home’ for my parents has always been Vietnam, because they were born and grew up as ‘Overseas Chinese’ in Bac Lieu, South-Vietnam. We stayed with my uncle’s family who look after ‘Gong’ and everybody in ‘our’ neighborhood knew that the two of us were the relatives abroad from Switzerland. We went every day down to his room and were talking to him in Teo Chew. I was happy to see ‘Gong’, but in some ways he was a stranger to me, but I did notice similarities to my father. ‘Gong’ knew all the facts (school, profession, salary…) about his grandchildren and kept on asking us if it’s true that Binh, my second oldest sister, has become a lawyer. He also kept on asking if we really got the grant from Pro Helvetia and if we are really working on our project in Beijing. He said proudly that he is amazed how many languages his grandchildren speak. Somehow he thought Linh, my oldest sister, speaks Italian, what is NOT true…Pictures of us grandchildren and my parents were hanging on the wall. I recognize our old apartment in Solothurn, my Swiss hometown. I see family picture of us when we were little. All those pictures are part of my memories from Switzerland and are hanging on the wall in my grandfather’s room on the second floor at Binh Toi No133/5/3 in the 11th district of Ho-Chi Minh City – Saigon, how my parents still call the city! In the morning on our last day before we left for the airport we went down to ‘Gong’ to say goodbye. Both us took a picture with him to capture this moment. He wished us a save journey to Beijing and asked me: Is Beijing nice? I think he has never been to Beijing and has never returned to China since he moved to Vietnam.

Posted by mon | reply »

what makes my vacation vacation Posted by lucio | reply »

hear women talk in the kitchen

kitchenshe said she hates washing dishes, but loves cleaning the kitchen table. i said i’m not into cleaning a kitchen table, but enjoy washing dishes very much. she feels great pleasure when the kitchen table is smooth till flies would slide down. i feel great pleasure when all plates are made clean, using my bare hands. i won’t wear gloves, i want to touch them, wash them under the water tap, till they get brightly white, till they could be a mirror. do both of us have some psychological problems?

Posted by haxi | reply »