the news makes me cry every morning
2021 July 01, Hong Kong
我剛剛下去樓下去買一罐啤酒「慶祝」今天的節日,在Circle K被找錢,發現其中包括了一塊1978年女英皇頭硬幣。回到我樓大廳,發現郵箱裡有妳寄過來的明信片,上面寫著「Still here」.
I just went downstairs to buy a beer to ‘celebrate’ the holiday today, and upon being given change at the Circle K, discovered amidst the coins one Queen Elizabeth head dollar dated from 1978. Returning back to my building, inside the post box was a postcard from you with a drawn eye of horus and the words, ‘Still here‘.
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但願您也在這裡 (finding greetings series no. 2)
布拉格 prague – 舊金山 san francisco
kostel sv. mikuláše na starém městě (the church of St. Nicholas on the Old Town)
i wanted to be everywhere, all the time. but somehow time stumbled, fell down, and we were led to change genres because nobody took us seriously. or was it simply taking the time to get back to roots, ironic after that white dude’s patronising joke thirteen years ago (so you came to China to find your roots, eh?), me and my roots, everywhere, all the time. keeping it real is just something really really difficult, you know.
you know, just letting you know, you’ll be an arrival point because there’s a one-way love letter at stake, like determined roots and you, the water between my fingers.
重慶 chongqing – 星加坡 singapore
a hearty welcome: a massive dish showcasing Chongqing’s sprawling high-rises greets visitors at the opening of the Hotpot Cuisine Culture Festival yesterday. The pot——a reflection of Chinese people’s culinary passion——is divided into two, with half containing light-flavoured broth and the other half, a spicy variation. Models of skyscrapers sit in the middle. The municipality is widely regarded as the origin of hotpot.
紐約 new york – 紐約 new york
i started to realise the meaning of repetition. maybe because i was once a teacher, and that’s what one does in school, spinning drills, tires as hips. an exercise machine for getting old and being afraid of being forgotten.
you weren’t so didactic, but romantic still loops. we won’t call it like that because you wanted agency, 醒了 and 行了 again and again, aware of pretentions, but what recourse is there? you make your bed.
i make it again and again. and realise that actually that arendt bit is about systems, too. about the ecology of ‘it’s hard to be a good person’, being holistically compromised. about the distance between a sender and a receiver, about the logistical operations of the greatest love poets——”close to cynicism the way comedians are close to sadness”.
you realise、 you rise、 醒了 (a doubt about wokeness)、 行了.
seven days for désiré[e] (don’t pull away)
she called it a challenge in black and white, the days numbered incorrectly, but the rules repeated. seven seven seven seven seven seven seven days, seven seven seven seven seven seven seven photos of your everyday life. no explanation, no people. supposed to challenge a friend to join, so 點, a?
Posted by 丫 | reply »where we used to say words to one another
opportuning: “love is excuse 4 exhibition”、two salons later、後她的後 post the post、inventories pending、雪上加霜 adding insult to、work on work、最爛的編輯 the worst editor、女 woman、that 18:21 song、his 8 year-old golden age、responsibility for fetish、怎麼互相扶持 how do we support one another、怎麼說「nurture」、剝削朋友 exploiting friends、the gathering of failed proposals as a form of depth、schwag politics、不要在我面前說「效率」這個詞、北京徵集 open call to beijing、”it’s complex [emoticon] and rather not over wechat”、。。。
Posted by 丫 | reply »After much discussion, debate, and research, the Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year 2016 is post-truth – an adjective defined as ‘relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief’.
我們的發達資本主義 our advanced capitalism #20
surplus Japanese plastic bags circulating in China
she says the ‘E’ possibly stands for “economy”
Posted by 丫 | reply »