things in process...we are overseas
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the supreme moment of communication

supreme_moment_of_communicationYou see, this is exactly how it starts. With a silence. There are two silences. Perhaps there are many, but there are two ends of the pole of silence. There is a dead silence, the silence of the dead, which doesn’t help any of us, and then there is the other silence, which is the supreme moment of communication – the moment when people normally divided from one another by every sort of natural human barrier suddenly find themselves truly together, and that supreme moment expresses itself in something which is undeniably shared, as one can feel at this very moment. In between the two silences, between the rock bottom of the dead silence, the silence of people in a theatre, for instance, who just have given up so completely that they fall asleep, and the silence when everyone is so keyed to the same point that there is this extraordinary life, in between the two, are the varying areas where all the questions arise. There are no questions at the bottom or the top; in between is where every question arises.

– Peter Brook “Between Two Silences”

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