[《图书馆》2008年9月28日到11月15日在北京公社画廊。”Library” on exhibition 28 September – 15 November 2008 at Beijing Commune, Dashanzi Arts District ]
政 纯办为政治纯形式办公室的简称,由洪浩、肖昱、刘建华、宋冬、冷林组成的艺术小组,在2005年创立“政治纯形式”概念,并以集体创作的方式进行工作。它 面向世界,聚焦精神世界的建设,将政治生活、文化生活、经济生活和日常生活等等纯形式化,模糊界限,将思考、讨论、足迹、享乐和思想等形成形式,构筑“政 治纯形式”概念。
在 经济高速发展的当下社会,商业价值已经逐渐成为一种衡量纬度与判断体系渗透入我们的生活。在市场经济制度的催化下使个体不断自我膨胀而变得孤立。在这种个 人主义的世风下,使得个体与集体社会逐渐失去了健康的连接。政纯办这次在北京公社举办的“图展馆”装置展,则延续政纯办的精神,将”我们在一起的”这种集 体化的概念不断深化、提炼,并通过这种”集体”的方式,用“我们”的概念,来体现“我”的另一种形式,同时也是通过这种形式,来唤醒更加具有精神性,艺术 性的某种正在衰退的意识。“图书馆”试图要做的是将一种有关“集体的”、“我们的”精神性的集体意识通过一种媒介,一种共同的形式呈现出来。
What is Polit-Sheer-Form Office?
Polit-Sheer-Form Office, or PSFO in shortened form, is an art group founded in 2005 on the concept of collective art practice. Members of PSFO are Hong Hao, Xiao Yu, Liu Jianhua, Song Dong and Leng Lin. PSFO has a global vision and focuses on the construction of the mental world. The group’s art practice involves formalizing political, cultural, economic and daily life, blurring the boundaries between them, and transforming reflections, discussions, life tracks, and thoughts into sheer forms to construct the concept of “Polit-Sheer-Form”.
Commercial values have permeated our life as a measurement system or criteria in the contemporary society which is undergoing rapid economic development. When getting more and more egotistical, individuals are also becoming isolated in the market-driven society, and the connection between the individual and the collective is gradually losing. The Polit-Sheer-Form Office carries on their spirit in the installation “Library” on show at Beijing Commune, trying to deepen and refine the idea of “We Are Together”. For PSFO, “the collective” is a way to show that “we” is another form of “I” and to awaken a more spiritual, artistic consciousness that is fading away. Through the collective creation of “Library”, the group tries to demonstrate an awareness of “the collective” which is about “we”.
The five members of Polit-Sheer-Form Office are all mature artists working independently in the art scene. As a collective work , “Library” becomes a contrast of their individual work as artists and also another side of their art practice. “Library” is a work about the spiritually collective presented through a sheer form.