No. 421A
Sous-verre 9x9cm, made of cork, with part of Van Gogh's "Sunflowers" printed on it.

How and when did you acquire this object? I bought it in Amsterdam in 1996 together with other sous-verre to give as gifts.
Approximately when did it expire? Why? After I returned from Amsterdam and gave away the rest of the sous-verres, this one was left. Maybe because it's a painting by Van Gogh that I don't like so much.
Where has it been located since the time of its expiration? In my bedroom, in a large basket full of similar new-but-expired objects.

No. 421B
A small painting, in the size of a postcard, in a cardboard frame, representing
two female figures, ethereal and threatening.

How and when did you acquire this object? I received it as a gift from a colleague after one of her trips to London, in the winter of 2004 (most probably).
Approximately when did it expire? Why? From the moment i received it as a gift, because i felt it was threatening and didn't like it as a painting. I couldn't throw it away though because it was given to me with thoughtfullness and honor.
Where has it been located since the time of its expiration? In my bedroom, in a large basket full of similar new-but-expired objects.

donated by: L., female, 50-59
collected: 10/02/06, Thessaloniki, Greece