No. 214A
photo of ex-boyfriend and I

How and when did you acquire this object? This photo was taken on a trip to CA with my (now ex) boyfriend... visiting his family (2 years ago).
Approximately when did it expire? Why? The relationship (photo & card) expired April 1, 2006 - 3 years plus 2 months after our first date.
Where has it been located since the time of its expiration? In a bottom drawer at my office since April 1... taken down and put away immediately after we broke-up.

No. 214B
Note from flowers sent to me

How and when did you acquire this object? A card from flowers he sent on our two year anniversary (2 years ago).
Approximately when did it expire? Why? The relationship (photo & card) expired April 1, 2006 - 3 years plus 2 months after our first date.
Where has it been located since the time of its expiration? In a bottom drawer at my office since April 1... taken down and put away immediately after we broke-up.

donated by: M., female, 20-29
collected: 10/05/06, West 87th Street, NY