No. 079A
Sharp wizard electronic organizer (pre ‘palm pilot’)

How and when did you acquire this object? My grandfather (now deceased) gave to me because he couldn’t figure out how to use it, c 1993.
Approximately when did it expire? Why? When i got a palm pilot, cellphone & iPod that made it redundant, c. 2001.
Where has it been located since the time of its expiration? "Electronics" drawer.

No. 079B
Pantone color selector for color printing

How and when did you acquire this object? A printer gave to me during a press check, c 1992.
Approximately when did it expire? Why? I received an "updated" book about 2 years after, c 1994.
Where has it been located since the time of its expiration? "Graphic supplies" drawer.

No. 079C
Kraftwerk – "The Mix" album

How and when did you acquire this object? Left downstairs by a neighbor ‘recycling’ old cds, c 2002.

Approximately when did it expire? Why? Expired almost immediately when i "ripped" it into iTunes c 2002.
Where has it been located since the time of its expiration? Old CDs box (now most are thrown away).

No. 079D
Epson T009 color inkjet cartridge for 1280 printer

How and when did you acquire this object? c 2004.
Approximately when did it expire? Why? Expired two month after purchase when empty, c 6/2004.
Where has it been located since the time of its expiration? Kept in tub of cartridges in case I wanted to refill it.

donated by: J., male, 40-49
collected: 08/27/06, Second Avenue, New York
No. 079E
Snapwatch, purple band, medium

How and when did you acquire this object? Given to me by a friend, May 2002.

Approximately when did it expire? Why? When batteries ran out a year later, never bothered to replace, "novelty" had "worn" off!
Where has it been located since the time of its expiration? Hanging on pegboard with other "expired" watches.