the text and images below are posted from beijing, berlin, buenos aires, hong kong, los angeles, new york, sado island, shanghai, tokyo and zürich. there are a few of us, and this is the space in between.

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going everywhere, in stillness


This quote that you once used somewhere, it comes to you, the word emptiness is at the source and in a whim you remember it, but whom was it by and where to find it back – you search and it returns that you wrote it in a post. And the words that have been in you for a while and that potentially felt like an e-mail but to whom, to him? to her? it hits you, better a post. because that emptiness revisits you, an intense happiness, an intense sadness – again that unease, nausea, ‘tedium’, as was the word in that book you shared together so many years ago and was pivotal to you both and to this. i have to move, i have to get out of this place, a sucking motion nearly 12 years long, like hearing it’s been 20 years and not being able to believe, fathom it, crawl into that perspective.

And what caused all of this, a movie, annoyingly so a movie, something so inherently tasked to trigger your emotions. what are we here for, what of your mother, your father. do we forget all the things, the times, the moments, that we share, the details are lost at least. and then right at that moment she calls. you imagine the green hills and the ocean view. fill the emptiness with emptiness and thus to share it.

“Ik wilde eigenlijk al een hele tijd je terug mailen. Om in ieder geval een soort van formeel antwoord op het open einde van de aankoop te geven die informeel al via de chat voorbij kwam. Maar eerst kom ik toch maar terug op die film, goed, slecht, goed, slecht, het blijft heen en weer gaan, en heb hem toch maar nog een keer gekeken, en nog een keer, voor mij heel ongewoon.”

the way sounds, music, make you remember things you’d forgotten about yourself


Posted by a | more »

大兔子病了 eldest rabbit sick

This is a nursery rhyme, this is a logical reasoning story, this is a horror case. For me, this is a poem. I don’t know who is the author, I just try to translate it to English.















Eldest rabbit sick,
2nd rabbit looked,
3rd rabbit bought medicine,
4th rabbit decocted,
5th rabbit died,
6th rabbit carried,
7th rabbit dug,
8th rabbit buried,
9th rabbit sat on the ground crying,
10th rabbit asked him why?
9th rabbit said,
5th rabbit would never come back!


translation series No.1

Posted by cc | reply »

“of things to come…”

…pending titles. of course. in the silence of the night. to keep this thing alive, somewhat. to change the fact that we are still celebrating new years on the twenty-second. submitted today by yu. or you. or yu you. you. with things drafted: “sometimes i do look. with mixed feelings. and slight guilt within action.” – yes: “you wanted a hit.” – right now: about 208 results (0.15 seconds). it seems you are doing well. so we drop it. for a few seconds. yes. always. obscure clearly. all this noise… we continue. no bento today. “It was the same,” said Bailey, stubbornly, knowing in his heart that it wasn’t. “And it won’t take us long to be able to leave. If I could get permission to go to Aurora, we could get this act off the ground.” yes we could. – oh, and of hits gone:

Posted by a | reply »


yesterday i felt like i’ve never been here, today like i’ve never been there.

Posted by daniel | more »

what is communication, what is imperial, what is revolutionary, what is natural? Posted by 丫 | reply »


At this point we’ve all been told to avoid anyone who is sneezing, coughing or drooling.  Pretty hard to do since I sneezed this morning, coughed today at lunch and usually drool at some point during the night.  Trying to avoid myself.

Numbers are skewed, huge statements are being thrown our way disguised as “facts”, and if you listen to certain news agencies then all things Mexican are to be banished.  Pinatas, sombreros, and Coronas are all suspect.  We love our fear.  Below is Mexico in April of ’09.

foodiglesiajugosoaxacanightThis has not been brought to you by the Mexican Tourism Board.  But you should still go.

Posted by joe | more »


thank you… now sleepy… second sabbatical…

Posted by 丫 | reply »